Whole Healing Acupuncture
Healing the Mind, Body, and Spirit
Classical Five Element Acupuncture is one of the oldest continuously practiced forms of healing in the world, dating back to ancient China nearly 5000 years ago. This system is based on natural laws which describe the flow of life energy (Qi) in nature and in the body. When Qi is not flowing smoothly throughout the body, illness, pain and disease may result.
While acupuncture is widely known to relieve pain, such as migraines, neck, back, and joint pain, it is can also be helpful for many conditions in which pain is not primary. These include but are not limited to:
Sleep Disorders
Chronic Fatigue
Digestive Disorders
Allergies (Environmental and Food)
Weight Gain/Obesity
Addictions (Drug, Alcohol, Smoking)
PMS/Menstruation Issues
Thyroid Disorders
Auto-Immune Diseases
Recipients of acupuncture often experience improvement in total well-being in the following ways:
Increased resistance to illness and quicker recovery
Improved energy and vitality
Healthier lifestyle choices
Greater harmony in their relationships
A better understanding of their symptoms

Bowen Therapy
Bowenwork is a gentle manual therapy technique created by the Australian osteopathic practitioner, Thomas Bowen. In this technique, the practitioner moves his/her thumbs or fingers over specific muscles, tendons, and soft tissue in a particular sequence and direction, which stimulates the body to reset and heal itself.
The Bowen technique is not massage or acupressure. It is a unique form of bodywork that is distinguished by rolling and bending movement of the muscles and by the insertion of pauses between the sets of moves generated by the practitioner. These pauses (generally between 2-5 minutes in length) are crucial to the success of the treatment in that they provide time for the muscles and nerves to respond to the signal given by the practitioner and to self-correct the imbalance.
This has a deeply relaxing effect on the body and can provide long-lasting relief from most neuro-muscular pain, spasm, and stiffness. Many people see improvements within 2-4 treatments. A typical Bowen session may last between 45 minutes to an hour.

Aroma Therapy
The use of essential oils as medicine dates back thousands of years. Essential oils embody the healing, regenerating, and detoxifying properties of plants, and can actually raise the bio-electrical frequency of the human body, improving the immune system and overall health of the body.
Aroma Acupoint Therapy is the gentle application of pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils on acupuncture points. The energetic qualities of the oils paired with the energy of the acupuncture points move energy in the body much the same way acupuncture does, but without the needles. The integration of these oils with acupuncture allows for the use of fewer needles during a session, and it gives each individual an opportunity to treat themselves with the oils on their own.

“I have been fortunate to receive acupuncture from some wonderful practitioners and am so very thrilled to have Arianna right here in Columbia. She is a natural healer and epitomizes the combination of empathy and solid, grounded medical/anatomical knowledge that makes for a truly impactful treatment. I recommend her acupuncture therapies without reservation. Thank you so much for being here and being the best!”
~Pamela S.
“My neck started hurting in September, but only slightly. As the year went on it got worse and the pain went into my shoulder. I had much lifting and moving to do and then gardening. It got so bad that the pain began early in the AM with any exertion. I had a Bowen treatment by Arianna on April 26th; I was able to rest for a few days and since the 2nd day, I have been pain free!!”
~Mary R.
“I suffer from chronic kidney disease which can leave me feeling profoundly fatigued. My acupuncture treatments alleviate the fatigue and enable me to function normally. I didn’t realize how much the acupuncture was helping until I missed a week due to the February ’10 blizzard. By the time of my appointment the following week, I was exhausted. I am continuing weekly acupuncture treatments as I wait for a kidney transplant. Without the acupuncture, I would probably be on dialysis by now.
Thank you Arianna!!”
~Alexander C.
“After receiving acupuncture for the first time, I noticed I was immediately able to discontinue the Flonase I had been using for the previous eighteen months. While my chronic sinusitis is still in the healing stage, a day without Flonase would have prevented any airflow through my sinuses. And after 4 sessions my sense of taste is slowly reappearing. I can unquestionably verify that acupuncture has eased my chronic sinusitis.”
~Chris B.